Central Vacuum Systems

Discover the Power of Central Vacuum Systems

Do you have a large or multi-level home? If so, your back probably aches after each time you vacuum. Lugging that heavy vacuum cleaner through the house, up and down steps takes a toll on your energy level. But what choice do you have outside of hiring a maid or just not vacuuming?

RM Integrations has that solution! Have us install a central vacuum system that works like a charm. These systems can be installed in an existing or new home under construction.

How Central Vacuum Systems Work

Contrary to what some believe, installing a central vacuum system into an existing home doesn't require tearing down walls. One hole is needed for the inlet valve, which can usually be hidden behind a wall and run into the basement or garage, where the main unit is located.

Instead of lugging around the heavy portable vacuum cleaner, you carry the cleaning attachments connected to a lightweight hose. You plug the hose into any installed receptacle, then vacuum the floors and other surfaces. The dirt and debris are sucked into the receptacles into the remote canister unit.

Reasons to Have a Central Vacuum System Installed

Besides saving your back, there are several great reasons to get a central vacuum system in your home.

  • Easy to Use: Central vacuums are lightweight and convenient. They are equipped with accessories so you can clean hard-to-reach spots that you couldn't with a standard upright or canister vacuum.
  • Better Performance: Central vacuums are up to three times more powerful than most portable vacuums. Their strong suction gets deep into carpet fibers, removing the deep grit and keeping them cleaner. Your carpets will look better and last longer as a result. Central vacuums have no tangled and frayed cords, flying dust particles, or filter problems. They have a large trash receptacle, and no filters are needed.
  • Cost-Effective: The initial central vacuum system will be more expensive than a portable vacuum cleaner. But they are durable and last for many years. You'd be replacing your portable vac several times during the same period.
  • Cleaner Air. Studies have proven that central vacuums do a much better job at reducing dust, dirt, and debris in the home, thereby reducing allergies in the people who live there. Everything extracted is sent to the central power unit, which sends it outside through the exhaust system. Portable vacuums recirculate the particles inside.
  • Quieter. Most portable vacuums are loud. Central vacuums are much more peaceful because their motors are in the central unit, usually in the basement or garage. The only sound coming from the hose is from the air flowing through it.

Get a Cleaner Home with Less Labor

You'll love having a central vacuum system if you want a cleaner home with fewer allergens. Less work, less dust, less allergies—what are you waiting for?

Trust RM Integrations to install your central vacuum system. We only install the Dirt Devil Central Vacuum System because we believe in its high-quality performance. We can also service any brand of central vacuum system as well.

Contact us to schedule your central vacuum installation and transform the way you clean your home.

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